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Listening & helping you understand

Dr. Matthew Mossop, ND

Call me Matt. I completed a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University in 2006, and a 4 year degree in Naturopathic Medicine at CCNM in 2018.


A major reason why I decided to focus my practice on mental health is because anxiety and depression were part of my story for some time. Traditional methods of psychotherapy were totally unhelpful to me for many many years, and often left me more confused than helped.


Pills and supplements were also mainly unhelpful and merely caused me to search over and over for the right one to "fix me". Only after meeting an amazing man who pioneered a process called Holistic Counseling was I was able to finally understand myself as well as the root of my suffering, and find a sense of peace.

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A Doctor of Naturopathy requires the completion of a 4 year program in one of six accredited schools in North America. I completed mine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto in 2018. The main naturopathic disciplines include Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Physical Medicine, and Homeopathy.

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My main modality of treatment, and a powerful tool to help patients understand themselves better. I have been mentored and counseled by Moshe Daniel Block, the creator of Holistic Counseling. HC has helped me understand myself on a fundamental level that no other therapy ever came close to. I am currently completing my certification in HC with Moshe Daniel Block.

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Guided Imagery is a way to help patients connect with themselves on a deep level through images conjured within their minds. Guided Imagery can be a fascinating, and unique way to discover ourselves. Although I am certified in Level 2 Guided Imagery, I rely mainly on HC as my main modality. If a patient and I get “stuck” somewhere, GI can be a great tool to explore the issue from a different angle.

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Completed in 2006. I worked for a brief while for the Government of Canada in the Department of National Defence as an Engineer in Training. However I ultimately decided it wasn’t for me and quit to pursue other things. Although engineering wasn’t my true passion, I still enjoy researching and reading about the hard sciences in my free time.

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